Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diversity. Show all posts

Monday 23 September 2019

We Are Nature Working

The Climate Catastrophe is upon us.  Can we halt its assault?  If yes, how do we do this? My next few posts will explore the steps humans have to take to stop and reverse the damage the Climate Catastrophe has, is and will cause.

I believe that within the problem, the solution can be found.  The Climate Catastrophe is human-caused, therefore, humans ought to be able to solve the problem. Before continuing with this thread, I want to mention the other problems that humanity is facing and must take responsibility for creating or at least, exacerbating.

The situations/problems confronting us, in no particular order, are, racism, poverty, hunger, homelessness, violence, discrimination in all its forms, soil degradation, pollution, loss of biodiversity, please feel free to add anything I have missed in the comments section

We cannot adequately address the climate catastrophe unless we have a course of actions that also resolves these realities.

We need to reassess our relationship to nature and all the beings that make life possible.  I hear people say we need to get back to nature. I say we cannot get back to that which we never left.  What has happened is humans have lost touch with their true nature.

The title of this post, We Are Nature Working was chosen to clarify the human role, not as Masters, or Owners but as team members with specific functions that when undertaken have a positive impact on ecosystems. What is that function?

How do you relate to the natural world? Read this, please.